Blikveld Coaching identity


Newly started coaching company Blikveld Coaching needed a branding and site to stand out from the crowded coaching landscape in the Netherlands. I created a logo, business cards and other branding based on the creative nature of the company.

The branding also needed to show professionality and years of prior experience present, as well as the calming green environment where the business is located (countryside of northern Netherlands).

The identity and the modern website I based on this identity was well received and the business has been thriving.

Evolution of the thread logo
Iterations of the ribbon logo

The Ribbon

In a story you can have a common core topic. In Dutch this is called the red thread or ribbon in a story (NL: de rode draad in het verhaal). Since in coaching you often zoom in on the core values in life and goals, I decided to use this methaphor for the logo.

Typography and style
Chosen typography combined with an important inspirational photo

The Typography

My aim with the typeface was a modern font that looks both professional, unique and friendly. The round and sans-seriff letters of both Aller and Aaargh fit these requirements. The thinner weight of Aaargh made it very suitable for headers, but not so much for body, while Aller works a lot better in body, but not so much for headers. They combine very well. The colour has been chosen for it's warmth, for it's meaning as "the red ribbon" (from the Dutch symbolism), and the slightly purple/aubergine tint to suit the owner Liesbeth her own style.

Back then webfonts for body were too heavy on the browser, so I chose Verdana as a websafe font. At the same time I tweaked the colours to work better on a screen.

The Landscape

This view is photographed within 10 km from the coaching location. The landscape shows the beauty and calm of the area, and this location is actually also visited for walks while coaching. The landscape is also important because of the Dutch word Blikveld, which translates to field of view.

Businesscard design
Design of the businesscard, with stylised landscape to calm the design, and emphasize the creative style of coaching

For the website design, see Blikveld Coaching website.